
Summer School 2024

Lectures will be provided for the following topics. Please use the following links below to access the lecture material.

CIVENG C88 Data Science for Smart Cities

Design and operation of smart, efficient, and resilient cities nowadays require data science skills. This course provides an introduction to spatial analysis using data from transportation systems, power grids, and communication networks, putting into context their population access via census data. Methods include: network science, introduction to machine learning and complex systems thinking to study urban systems. Programming language is Python.

Course Syllabus

CYPLAN 257/CIVENG 263N Human Mobility and Network Science

Students learn techniques for analyzing individual daily activities and travels both at urban and at global scale. This course is designed for graduate students interested in methods to analyze human dynamics, and their interactions with the built and the natural environment. We cover four parts each of which is centered in a seminal research paper. Students learn to reproduce the results of the selected paper in the classroom via computer labs, and through a related data analysis and modeling assignments. The final project trains the student in formulating a research contribution using methods to extract information from data. Programming language is Python.

Course Syllabus

HuMNet Lab